Lions Club of Tavistock
Carnival Week - how to take part
We would love to see as many local organisations taking part in our Carnival each year
If your organisation has decided it would like to enter, below are 3 documents about what you need to do next
The Carnival Procession Information Sheet
This gives details of the assembly times and the route
The Carnival Procession Entry Form
Judging will continue as a key element of the procession and will be done in Down Road. Feedback from previous years has included comment that the smaller groups feel unable to compete with the larger entrants such as the schools. To address this we have decided that we should have a separate category for schools, and amend the numbers slightly in the other categories (these are detailed on the Entry Form included in this pack). The winner of each category, and the overall “Best in Procession” awards will be presented in Down Road.
All entrants will receive a certificate in recognition of their commitment, enthusiasm and support, but for practical reasons this will be forwarded to them within a week or so after the Carnival.
Please help us by completing and returning the form as soon as possible. It may be completed and returned in hard copy, or completed on-line and returned by e-mail.
A Health & Safety Leaflet
This has been produced to provide guidance, in layman’s language, on the basics that you must consider in order that you do your bit to ensure the procession proceeds in a safe manner. Please remember that no objects are to be thrown from the floats and no alcohol is to be consumed during the procession.
Other things to consider:
Music is always a key element of the procession and we always encourage as many of you as possible to include this, and many do. On your Entry Form, we ask that you let us know if music is part of your entry as this will help us when we assemble the running order of the procession. Please make it as lively and loud as possible.
Our aim continues to be to make the procession a Fun Event for the people taking part, and for the people watching.
Please encourage as many people as possible to come along, and visit us at on Facebook ( We appreciate your enthusiastic support and we are looking forward to a great evening.