Lions Club of Tavistock
The club is always keen to welcome new members by invitation, so if you would like to know more about the club's activities and feel that you have some spare time to give to an interesting and extremely worthwhile organisation, please make contact with the clubs Membership Committee by using either the e-mail details listed on the Contact Us page or as set-out below.
Tavistock Lions meet at the Community Football Club in Tavistock. The general club meetings are held at 7.30pm on the second Monday of every month and this is preceded on the same night by the Directors meeting at 6.30pm. The Board of Directors is made up of the principal officers of the club namely the President, Vice Presidents of which there can be 3, the immediate past President, the secretary, treasurer, community service, membership, social and activities chairmen and the press officer.
There is an active social scene for club members and their partners, ranging from meals out, visits to places of interest and activities such as canoeing, archery etc.
Recognising Outstanding Contributions
Lions Clubs International recognize outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named after its founder, Melvin Jones. This award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism.
The recipient of this award becomes a model of exemplary service to his club and the community which it serves.
President Paul Blowey was delighted to present Lions Steve Grummitt and Chris Northey with the award of a Melvin Jones Fellowship.