Lions Club of Tavistock
About Us
The Lions Club of Tavistock was formed in 1976 by a nucleus of around 12 people most of whom were employed by the then West Devon District Council. Membership, which now stands at 39 people (both male and female from all walks of life), is by invitation only. The lower age limit is 18 with no upper limit.
The principal activity of the club is to raise money within the local community for distribution to needy causes locally, nationally and internationally. The Lions Club of Tavistock has a formally registered charity with the Charity Commission (Charity No. 1193186).
Tavistock Lions meet at the Community Football Club in Tavistock. The general club meetings are held at 7.00 pm on the second Monday of every month and this is preceded on the same night by the Directors meeting at 6.15pm. The Board of Directors is made up of the principal officers of the club namely the President, Vice Presidents of which there can be 3, the immediate past President, the secretary, treasurer, community service, membership, social and activities chairmen and the press officer. The Activities committee meets on the third Monday of the month at 7.00 pm and the Community Services committee on the fourth Monday currently at the West Devon Club.
If you'd like to find out more about being a Lion, take a look at our Membership page
Thanks as always, James Bird (photographer) for the official club photographs
Lions Club of Tavistock - 2023
Club President - 2024-25
The Lions Club of Tavistock president, elected by the members, serves for 1 year, starting from 1 July each year.
The current president is Lion Alan Wroath.
A tribute to former club member Jeff Lea
In September 2022, Tavistock Lions lost one of its most active and long serving members, when Jeff Lea passed away.
Jeff had been a Lion for almost 20 years and served as President in 2007, as well as being very active with other local community organisations, such as TASS (Tavistock Area Support Services) and the Citizens' Advice Bureau.
The Tavistock Times Gazette published a special article to commemorate Jeff's life and work with the Club, which is reproduced here with kind permission of the paper.